Today is the 25'th Anniversary of John Belushi's death. John Belushi, even though he is ever so slightly before my time, happened to be one of my favorite personalities. He wasn't the best actor, but you could tell he had character and soul -- he had that "something" that just pushes someone to stand out from the crowd. While watching bits and pieces of Animal House, I realized that drug overdoses have taken a lot of talented people from us at much too early of an age.
Take for instance Judy Garland -- a wonderfully talented actress and with an amazing singing voice. Watching The Wizard of Oz every Thanksgiving has been a tradition in my family since I was old enough to sit in front of a television. There is something about Judy Garland that also commands a sort of presence that is seldom seen among celebrities. She was, for all purposes, an amazing woman in so many ways (One I've always loved since I was a little kid).
It then occurred to me that people who are immensely passionate are often faced with countless addictions in their life. I myself have been caught up in addictions from one end of the spectrum to the other. There is a old saying in Latin -- quem di diligunt adulescens moritur. Translated, it means "He whom the Gods love die young." Not only is it a beautiful Latin expression, it is also very much the truth.
The list of amazing talent that fell victim to their passions through excesses in their vices include:
Jimmy Hendrix -- At the age of only 27, he died from the depressive effects of alcohol and barbiturates and proceeded to choke on his own vomit.
Kurt Cobain -- Also dead at the age of 27, he committed suicide with a shotgun blast to the head.
Brian Epstein -- As the manager of the Beatles during their earlier years, he helped see their transformation from a local phenomena into a worldwide sensation. Dead at the age of 32 from a drug overdose.
Pete Farndon -- Musician from the Pretenders, he drowned from a heroin overdose at the age of 31.
Shannon Hoon -- Singer of the group Blind Melon, she died of a cocaine overdose at the age of 28.
Janis Joplin -- Blues musician who died at the age of 27 from a heroine overdose.
David McComb -- Musician for The Triffids, died of a heroine oversode at the age of 36.
Jim Morrison -- Lead singer for The Doors, died of a heroine and alcohol combination at the age of 27.
Rob Pilatus -- From the Milli Vanilli craziness, Pilatus died at the age of 32 from a cocaine overdose.
Elvis Presley -- Dead at the age of 42 from a heart attack brought on by an overdose of barbiturates.
Lester Bangs -- Musician and writer that overdosed on painkillers at the age of 33.
Bix Beiderbecke -- Jazz musician ... dead at 28 from alcoholism (wow).
Robert Buck -- Musician for 10,000 Maniacs. Dead from liver disease from excessive drinking.
Nick Dachino -- Great singer ... dead at 23 from a drug overdose (cocaine?).
Carl Radle -- Bass guitarist for Derek and the Dominos ... died at the age of 37 from kidney disease due to long term narcotics and alcohol abuse.
Let's not forget the amazing talent lost on the screen ... Besides Belushi (dead at 33 from a speedball -- coke and heroine) ...
R.I.P. John
Nick Adams -- Dead at 37 from a drug overdose (unknown from what)
Bridgette Andersen -- Child actress that died at the age of 22 from an alcohol and heroine overdose.
Elisa Bridges -- Dead at the age of 29, she was an amazingly beautiful model. Died from the combined effects of heroine, methamphetamine, meperidine and Alprazolam (christ!)
Judy Garland -- Dead at the age of 47 from an overdose of barbiturates. She was found by her last husband, Mickey Deans, in the bathroom. Her blood contained 10 1.5 grain Seconal capsules.
Chris Pettiet -- American actor that died at the age of 24 from an accidental drug overdose.
River Phoenix -- Dead at 23 from an overdose (speedball).
Glenn Quinn -- Actor who died at 32 from a heroine overdose.
Chris Farley -- Dead at 33 from a drug overdose of cocaine and heroine (speedball)
Jeanne Eagels -- Actress that died at the age of 39 from an alcohol and heroine overdose.
The list goes on and on, but it is so sad to see such amazing talent grabbed from us because the gods want them for themselves ...
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