Sunday, June 1

Hillary Rodman Clinton -- Please Concede!

Hillary Clinton it is time for you to concede. The democratic party is hurting and hurting bad. Why? Because of your insistence to see this primary drag out until the very end. I tried to remain unbiased during the primary election, but lately you have shown yourself to be concerned with only one thing -- securing the nomination for yourself at any cost.

Just how expensive are these costs? Well, you have driven a deep wedge into the Democratic party. A large chasm has opened up and has polarized many within the party to form strong dislikes towards both candidates. What is most important this election year? In my opinion, it is assuring that McCain fails to win the general election. We need a strong Democratic nominee and, just as importantly, a strong democratic party derived from a solid base.

You fought for the seating of both Florida and Michigan delegates because you stated that their voices should be heard. I wanted to believe that your intentions were pure, but let's not pretend to be naive. Your true intention was to garner the votes of more delegates and include the voters in those states to secure the claim that you have a larger popular vote than Obama.

This afternoon, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and Rules and Bylaws Committee Co-Chairs Alexis Herman and Jim Roosevelt issued a joint statement. This is a section from that statement:

“Today, after careful consideration and debate, the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws Committee reached an agreement on the two challenges before the Committee on seating delegations from Florida and Michigan. The Committee voted to seat the full Florida delegation with a half-vote each. The RBC accepted the Michigan Leadership Plan as presented today by the Michigan Democratic Party with the exception that each delegate receives a half vote. In addition, the Committee agreed that delegates from both states should be slated under Rules 5, 6, 7, and 12, outlining the candidate’s right of approval. With this decision, the revised total of delegate votes needed to secure the nomination is 2,118."

Shortly afterwards, your campaign made the following press release:

"We strongly object to the Committee’s decision to undercut its own rules in seating Michigan’s delegates without reflecting the votes of the people of Michigan.

The Committee awarded to Senator Obama not only the delegates won by Uncommitted, but four of the delegates won by Senator Clinton. This decision violates the bedrock principles of our democracy and our Party.
We reserve the right to challenge this decision before the Credentials Committee and appeal for a fair allocation of Michigan’s delegates that actually reflect the votes as they were cast."

What strikes me as blatantly unfair is your objection to Obama receiving the delegates won by uncommitted. Obama removed his name from the ballot in Michigan as did the rest of the democratic runners except yourself. Your name was the only name left on the ballot in Michigan. In essence, you are asking that Hillary receive all the delegates that will eventually be seated for the state of Michigan. This is outrageous and clearly demonstrates that your campaign is no longer an honest campaign. You are now hellbent on securing the nomination for yourself at any cost.

Your campaign website now features a popular vote counter. The popular vote is not how we select our nominees and presidents. This is a republic, Senator Clinton, and not a pure democracy. However, it now appears that you will use this fact as another reason to argue that you should receive the nomination.

You had two choices at one point in your campaign. You could have conceded and allowed time for healing and then stood behind Obama by convincing your followers that they should support his nomination and eventual fight against McCain for presidency. Instead, you have chosen to press onward with your need to become the democratic nominee. In the process, you have alienated many within the democratic party and have convinced those that follow you that Obama will never be a good substitute for the democratic nomination.

Senator Clinton, I am now convinced that you do not have the best intentions of this country in your heart. I am convinced that you care only for power and that you will go to any length to achieve your goals. Although I was always an Obama supporter, I did at one point in time respect your accomplishments and would have rallied for you if Obama lost the nomination. I will never rally behind you now.

Thanks for destroying the democratic party by your insatiable lust for power. It sickens me to know that Obama may very well lose to McCain because of your selfish actions during this primary.

Concede now.

Update: Here are some videos from the meeting. DISGUSTING.

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