Tuesday, April 15

Personal Quotes

"Life is learning that the adventure lies in endless travels with no destinations. To be so naive as to assume one has reached his or her destination is to deny the beauty of the journey and to accept, however erroneously, that one has reached his or her limits."

"Love is learning to walk barefoot without anything beside someone with whom you'd give everything."

"All the money in the world couldn't purchase just one second of true love."

"Even the richest man in the world couldn't buy a priceless moment, yet so many deny themselves those moments at a cost greater than they could ever imagine."

"Death is something that brings contrast to life. Without it, the most precious of moments would melt away into infinity. Death teaches us the value of a day spent in love. Every man and woman will spend that moment on their death bed left with but a fraction of a minute to think back and recall so many countless memories, so many precious moments, so many invaluable experiences. And when that last breath comes, the sum of all our experiences will create a focal point that leads directly to god."

"Dying does not scare me because every day I meet people who are too afraid to live, and that is far worse."

"The only thing one will take with them into death is the love received throughout their life and the love given from their own light -- everything else is but an expensive toy."

"I've always wondered why marathons are 26 miles and 385 yards. Just once I'd like to see a runner speed through the finish line and go for 27. Then I wonder just how often we approach similar goals in our life."

"Sometimes I wonder which is worse -- to love all the wrong things for the right reason, or to love all the right things for the wrong reason."

"Everyone comes into the world naked. We all have that in common. Nobody ever came out in a pressed tux or a ballroom gown -- but too many people think so."

"Fear is the first step in feeling more alive than alive."

"If you're going to love with your all, don't think you'll ever meet your goal unless you never really loved at all."

1 comment:

Alan said...

I think there is a rule somewhere that says you can't quote yourself.