Saturday, July 21

Weekend Report

Best Pick-up line by a girl to me after watching me attempt to dance:
Are you on Myspace?? I am so putting you as my #1 friend!

Worst Spoonerism Moment:
"Bartender, I'll take a cum and roke ... I mean rum and coke!"

Best moment of cockiness by me:
Telling that MILF that I would totally do her ... in front of her 22 year old daughter ... then feeling bad ... then turning to the daughter ... and telling her that I'd do her first, of course. Then watching her mom laugh and be cool about it.

Most Random moment:
Kissing some random girl on the cheek because I wanted to kiss some random girl on the cheek. Then having her friends ask me to get in pictures with them of me kissing everyone.

Most OMG I can't believe you did that moment:
Flashing the shocker between two girls getting their picture taken.

Worst Dressed:
Guy with the Polo shirt with the collar straight up and the blue "kilt like thing."

Best Dressed:
Jenn the bartender -- always with the cleavage.

Ps: To that girl who was taking a picture of her frienda -- that symbol that I made with my hand -- it's called the shocker.

Two in the cha-cha, one in the ka-ka.
Two in the frollicks, one in the bollocks.
Two in the cooter, one in the pooter


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