Wednesday, August 8

The Three Great Separators

I've often thought, with regards to love, what the biggest separators are for two people. I tried to reduce it to as small of a list as possible while still encompassing all the different and possible variables.

The three great separators of love are space, time and emotions. Obviously, space is self-explanatory. If you are distanced from someone you love, it becomes more tying and difficult to express your love for them. Space creates a barrier for intimacy.

The second great separator of love is time. Time is unique because it represents the constant flux that occurs in a relationship. A relationship, by definition, is a union between two people. However, people are constantly in a state of slow and gradual change. Sometimes two people will change together in a common direction, but more often two people will develop greater differences that force them to constantly re-evaluate their relationship. The fact that we loved someone years ago will never change, yet it still stands that we obviously do not love them as much or in the same way as we once did -- hence time pushes all things in various directions and those directions are not always the same. Even the smallest angle will eventually push the end points of two rays millions of miles apart.

The third great separator of love is emotion. Although two people might be close both in space and time, emotions are not always there. Perhaps one person loves another a little more than the other loves them. Perhaps one loves the other slightly before the other started loving them (emotion and time). Unrequited love is painful, though. Perhaps the other is in a relationship while the other is single. There are a million different reasons why emotions might not be present. Perhaps time will change that, or a change in proximity.

Well, those are the three great separators of love.


Mintykins said...

Wow, I didn't realize there were three things separating us! Kidding.

Aphexcoil said...

That's just messed up, Shauna. If I wasn't so far from you, I'd kick your ass into last week and back again. :)

Mintykins said...

Awww. Kisses.